The Pedagogy-Space-Technology (PST) Framework (Radcliffe, 2009) is a framework that has been used to guide the creation of new and modern teaching spaces. This paper highlights the journey of an Innovation@CDU Grant Project which uses the PST Framework to build an online moot court which is able to ensure that both internal students on campus and external students online are able to moot effectively. The project uses Blackboard Collaborate™ and the PST Framework. The technology has been implemented in Charles Darwin University (CDU) to create the new teaching spaces in CDU. The same technology in the new teaching spaces is then used to build an online moot court. The paper explains the PST Framework and discusses how the framework has been used and applied to further innovations such as an online moot court. It also explains the project’s journey and the challenges and successes of the project. The research also includes the experiences and observations of the author who is the Project Leader of the Innovation@CDU Grant Project.
AuthorNg, J.Date2015Publication CollectionNorthern Institute - Learning Communities: International Journal of Learning in Social ContextsVolume18/ 2015Page Number52-65CopyrightThis work is licensed under CC BY-SASuggested CitationNg, J. (2015). Innovating with Pedagogy-Space-Technology (PST) Framework: The Online Moot Court. Learning Communities: International Journal of Learning in Social Contexts [Special Issue: Narrative Inquiry], 18, 52-65. DOI: ISSNISSN 1329-1440 (online)ISSN 2202-7904 (print)PublisherFaculty of Law, Education, Business and Arts CHARLES DARWIN UNIVERSITYPlace of PublicationDarwin
Ng, J., Innovating with Pedagogy-Space-Technology (PST) Framework: The Online Moot Court (2015). Charles Darwin University, accessed 15/09/2024,