Typical swamp
Unloading Hides
Hides hung to show flay. Bills Pool Camp.
Sand deposited on concrete Crossing by last flood being inspected by Bill Jones (mgr.) Ivanhoe
Homestead and out buildings.
Aboriginal Women about to place hides on salting stack
Packhorses with fresh hides
Hectors Camp
Wild Bore Camp
Buffalo on the Mary River near Wild Bore Camp
Banyan Camp on the edge of Adelaide River Plains
"Typical plains country. Buffalo in background. Ant hills in foreground have been worn down by Buffalo Rubbing"
Typical Marrakai Plains
On the edge of Paperbark Swamp
Paddy's Landing, Adelaide River
Homestead 11
Deepwater South of Buffalo Country
Marrakai Station 2
Hides off Loaded at Waters Edge
An Aboriginal Woman has just washed hides
Salting Hides