The End of Life Choices Inquiry (Victoria) was undertaken by the Legal and Social Issues Committee of the Parliament of Victoria in 2015.
"On 7 May 2015 the Legislative Council agreed to the following motion:
That pursuant to Sessional Order 6 this House requires the Legal and Social Issues Committee to inquire into, consider and report, no later than 31 May 2016, on the need for laws in Victoria to allow citizens to make informed decisions regarding their own end of life choices and, in particular, the Committee should:
assess the practices currently being utilised within the medical community to assist a person to exercise their preferences for the way they want to manage their end of life, including the role of palliative care;
review the current framework of legislation, proposed legislation and other relevant reports and materials in other Australian states and territories and overseas jurisdictions; and
consider what type of legislative change may be required, including an examination of any federal laws that may impact such legislation."