Dutch Association for a Voluntary End of Life (NVVE)
Alternative NameDutch Association for Voluntary EuthanasiaRight to Die NetherlandsDutch Dying With Dignity FoundationDescription
The Dutch Association for a Voluntary End of Life (NVVE) is a Dutch 'pro-voluntary end of life' association whose primary objective is to make euthanasia a subject of discussion, to make death-on-demand socially acceptable and to include rights and obligations in Dutch legislation.
With a membership of 170,000 (bigger than any Dutch political party) and a rolling programme of public meetings, the NVVE is one of the most powerful interest groups in the Netherlands (de Bellaigue, 2019).
Founded in 1973 in response to the prosecution of a Dr T. Postma for voluntary euthanasia, the NVVE advocated for change in the law to allow assisted dying. Finally, on April 10, 2001, the Dutch Upper House passed the Euthanasia Bill, named Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act. This Act entered into force on April 1, 2002.
The NVVE also operates the Levenseindekliniek ('End of Life clinic') from The Hague, Holland. In 2016 the number of official cases of euthanasia in the Netherlands was 6,091 - 4% of total deaths in the Netherlands ('Number of official cases', 2017).
Number of official cases of euthanasia rise 10% in the Netherlands. (2017, April 12). Dutch News. https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2017/04/number-of-official-cases-of-euthanasia-rise-10-in-the-netherlands/
Dutch Association for a Voluntary End of Life (NVVE). Charles Darwin University, accessed 11/10/2024, https://digitalcollections.cdu.edu.au/nodes/view/7786