Menzies School of Health Research
The Sir Robert Menzies Memorial Trust and Foundation: 1978-1993. Chapter 7
Report on the first two years: July 1984 - June 1986 )Darwin: Menzies School of Health Research, [1986])
Menzies School of Health Research, Northern Territory Australia: Newsletter, 24 (April 2000)
Workshop for Tiwi Islands Leaders, Mirambeena, Darwin 1993
The Menzies Foundation: 1980 Review
H.C. Giese, ‘Living in the North: Climatic and other influences’, Transactions of the Menzies Foundation 1 (1980): 275-76
First Menzies National Seminar, Authors and Abstracts, 2-4 October 1980
First Menzies Regional Workshop: Living in the North, 4-6 June 1981
Menzies School of Health Research: Early History [1979-2000]