Publication TypeResearch BriefAbstractThis research brief discusses some issues around housing affordability in Darwin. We examine recent increases in the cost of both buying and renting and temper these against rises in incomes. We advocate that there is not a generic `housing crisis’ and that such language may negatively impact on migration decisions. However, there may be a growing number of residents who are struggling to meet rising housing costs and these should be the focus of policy attention. This research brief draws on data provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics as well as NT Government reports on housing in the Northern Territory.AuthorTaylor, A.Publication CollectionNorthern Institute Research BriefsAlternative CollectionPOPULATION & TOURISM STUDIES RESEARCH BRIEFIssue53CopyrightSchool for Social and Policy Research 2010ContactAndrew Taylor 8 8946 6692 Institute, Charles Darwin UniversityPlace of PublicationDarwin
Taylor, A., Darwin’s housing market – a crisis for whom? . Charles Darwin University, accessed 08/09/2024,