Publication TypeResearch BriefAbstractThis research brief discusses the phenomenon known as ‘female flight’ which has been observed in many remote parts of countries overseas and has impacted on the viability and cohesion of Indigenous communities in particular. Some exploratory data drawn from the Census of Population and Housing provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, is presented to postulate whether and how female flight might impact on settlement patterns and
demographic change in the Territory. AuthorTaylor, A.Carson, D.Publication CollectionNorthern Institute Research BriefsAlternative CollectionPOPULATION STUDIES RESEARCH BRIEFIssue34CopyrightSchool for Social and Policy Research 2009ContactAndrew Taylor 8 8946 6692 Institute, Charles Darwin UniversityPlace of PublicationDarwin
Carson, D., The migration intentions of Indigenous women in Northern Territory. Charles Darwin University, accessed 17/09/2024,